I used 1 week of research on the internet, I decided to DIY myself a sound trigger. I searched the whole internet, I can't find any Malaysian did high-speed photography (well, at least not in Lowyat, Cari, Myphotocity and Photoclub), means no one to teach me. Sad case.
So, I use another week to research with foreign website. The reason that I don't like to do research in foreign website is because the electrical components used are somehow a little different from Malaysia.
It took me 4 weeks to complete the circuit including some trials and errors. But most of the time was used to find all the components. The most difficult component to get was the SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier)-EC103D. Damn! Even the shopkeeper doesn't know what was that! Luckily I found it in the end. And then there was this PC Cord, it took me 4 weeks to get it-.-
I was lucky that one forumer that was an expert in electronics helped me throughout the making of the circuit. Thank You! Finding the balloon was also a difficult task-.-, not much place got sell in my area.
If you want to know how I take these pictures, leave a comment in the chatbox on the right hand side of the blog. I'll post my setup on the next post.
OK, by now you maybe bored by words, so PICTURES!!!!








9)Side View
